Our services

The commitment of our collaborators is the key to the success of your projects

Our services and our network of experts

Having the necessary experience all over the world in different disciplines, our collaborators put at the service of companies and organizations their expertise and know-how that they acquired during their long years of experience.

The experiences of our employees around the world

Thanks to our approach, our network of collaborators is rich in former military personnel of all ranks, the best engineers and technicians on the market in all professions, they are available to meet your needs and assist you in carrying out your projects.

Your interest: recruiting experienced staff

– Recognized and diversified technical skills but above all a particular interpersonal skills including, for many of them, enriching operational experience

– Rigor, discretion, quality of service, quality customer relations, habit of teamwork, respect for others

– External Operations have notably developed in these men and women adaptability and mastery of their emotional state

References from our collaborators

Our main activities

-Expertise in crisis management
-MCO PL, armored vehicles, light vehicles, planes, ships, etc.
-Pipes for general installations, infrastructures, etc.
-Project management, project management assistance, coordination-supervision, etc.-
-Technical experts (SIO, armaments, NRBC, Telecoms, Satcoms, BTP, etc.)
-Country specialists (Africa, Asia, Europe, etc.)
-Operational experts international organizations (EU, NATO, UN): camp installations, transmissions, NRBC, MCO, etc.
-Transition management
-Operational training
-Drones (pilot training, maintainers, intelligence)

Contact us

For more information contact us on:

C.Ciuat Consuegra Edifici Orio 10,1-1 AD500 Andorre 

+376 359 551


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